Thursday, April 8, 2010

10 things I want to say to 10 people

1. Your addiction has turned you into a whole different person, one which I do not like.

2. You are so unbelievably superficial. You never used to be this bad. It's making me resent you.

3. I'm sorry I'm leaving you. You are the sweetest person I have ever met, and I sincerely hope we stay in touch.

4. You are the best thing to ever happen to me at BU. Thank you for being such a good friend to me. I'm sorry I haven't been the best one to you.

5. I don't know how you became such a hateful elitist, but it makes me really sad.

6. I don't understand what I find so attractive in you because you can be such a meat-headed douchebag!

7. You think you're so full of original and profound ideas, but you're not going anywhere in life.

8. I'm pretty sure we were only friends because we had the same sense of humor when we were high.

9. You betrayed my trust once, and I found out through other people that you did it again. There is no way I'm letting you back into my personal life. We can be friends on the surface, but that's it. You screwed yourself on that one.

10. I'm sorry if my life choices disappoint you. I wish you could be happy for me.


DJ Dk said...

If you feel this strongly about things, maybe you should say it directly to the people they are about. People can't be expected to change if they're never given a chance to.