Saturday, September 12, 2009

Lamey Lameface Lameford

As endearing as my college nickname "Lamey" is, it's also kind of a cruel reality. I am very lame. Or at least by many people's standards.

I don't go out very much. I don't enjoy big parties. I just don't see a point in getting hammered and talking to a bunch of people you don't know and won't remember the next day. Most of the time, there are just so many people that I don't know what to do with myself. That's not really my idea of fun.

What's fun for me is gathering with a small group of friends to play games, or getting into my pajamas and baking cupcakes, or challenging myself to a difficult crossword puzzle. Of course all of these activities can be enhanced with alcohol if I feel like having a crazy night, but that's pretty much the extent of my party animal-ness.

I don't see these preferences as making me lame, but a lot of other people do. It makes me kind of sad, to tell you the truth.